Friday, September 24, 2010

Bible cover 1.

This is my first bible cover! I have a couple more in progress. This one I tried to do rounded corners, but they are too hard and the square ones look good anyway.  I am so pleased with how it looks and it feels so nice to use. It makes my tatty ancient cheap paperback ESV look so lovely—it is admired wherever it goes :)

The main problem is with the press studs on the closure: way too strong. They are ripping out of the cover, even with a lot of reinforcements.

So I have purchased some magnetic buttons, like on handbags! I will pull the studs off this one and have a go with the new buttons. Then if it works, full steam ahead on bible covers! I have lots of lovely scraps of material leftover from making shirts last summer—this is a Japanese print from Tessuti at Surry Hills. So they only cost a few dollars to make, for buttons and vilene. I am so pleased!


Anonymous said...

Well done! Looking great.

apple said...

how pretty :)