Thursday, March 14, 2013

Not much really.

On Saturday I was struck by an inability to do much. I wanted to go for a swim, but I didn't. I wanted to do jillian instead but I didn't either. I thought i could at least shop for food, but should i take the car or not, cos I needed to move the car AND walk, and what should I buy to eat anyway...

Accomplishments for Saturday morning:
A shower.
Washing up.
Painting nails.
Stripping bed and washing sheets.

It's ok, but that was about an hour's worth of stuff. The rest of the time I mooched in front of The Loop feeling indecisive and apathetic and cross about it. My nails look really nice though.

On Sunday I had more success, I altered the uncomfortable armholes of one of my shirts, which was annoying to have to do but that's the reality of sewing. Then I went to the spot festival and bought yummy food for lunch and also a fancy tea towel. It is for a present. A local woman designs and sells them.

The week has continued in unmotivatedness. I occasionally do a tiny bit of jillian. Or paint my nails. It's going to be all nail polish posts around here pretty soon.

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