Friday, March 22, 2013

Marking another year.

It's my 29th birthday next week. I get the pre-birthday blues, when I spend 1 or 2 weeks feeling slightly melancholy because of all the things I haven't done while my life whizzes by. I don't know why I don't count my blessings and achievements, you'd think it would be the perfect time to look at the past almost 3 decades and go "Wow! Look at me. I'm so lucky. I'm talented, employed, have great quality of life and excellent health, wonderful friends and loving family, and now I'm another year closer to heaven!" but for some reason I go the other way, and think "Another year of my life gone, goodbye twenties, still single, still wearing braces, still renting in the city, doing the same thing I've been doing for the last 5 years." I think it is really important to have good things to anticipate, so I have to make birthday plans and ensure I'm well and truly love-bombed. The birthday itself is pretty much OK, I bounce right back.


cyberiagirl said...

I turned 29 in January. Beforehand I was freaking out about how I haven't made the most of the opportunity to have kids while young, and now it's all my fault if my kids are born with a disability because I was selfish and didn't talk Seumas into kids sooner.

Now I'm over it for another year. ;p

Jessica said...

The pressure just hits in one go doesn't it!