Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shirt reincarnation.

This is the cutting out. The old shirt was cut on the bias, so that the print runs diagonally and the weave has more stretch. I had enough fabric to do that, but I didn't think the print would be improved and it's annoying figuring out diagonals. But the new shirt has lost a little stretch, so I should have made it a little looser to compensate.

This is the iron-on interfacing to stiffen the collar and the strip where the buttons and holes. I avoid bothering with this wherever possible, but I went with it.

No sewing happens without unpicking. I had sewn all the buttonholes in white thread, but then I discovered I had a perfect mustard thred which would make the button holes less obvious. When unpicking buttonholes, I stuck the unpicker through the fabric and ripped a hole, can just see it to the left of that button.

A glamour shot of the collar

The whole shirt.  Minus the bottom button, which I couldn't find. I'll sew that on soon.

I have to say, although I'm not a yellow-wearer, I love this print. It's really mustard so not a pastel yellow, and wearing it under my brown cardigan it just provides a touch of brightness. Spotlight retro rocks!

I have leftover fabric, I'm tossing up either remaking this shirt to improve the fit a little and giving this one away, or making an apron.

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