Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Falling apart hand and shirt

First, sorry about this, but it's my blog. This is my 'zombie flesh' from the fall on the weekend. The other 2 wounds are just light grazing and gravel rash, but this is the best skin-loss. This photo is from Sunday, and it's not looking as pretty and fresh as this now, hence, zombie flesh.

This is my most frail and beloved shirt:

It was a bargain from DFO Colorado, and it has served me well for almost 7 years, but now it is disintegrating in the washing machine and is being held together by the decorative binding tape. I took some photos for posterity, and then hacked into to it with the unpicker and scissors. A front shirt, a half-back shirt, a collar, a bit underneath the collar, and a sleeve, cut 2 of everything. Looks like a pretty simple shirt pattern. I'm adding an inch or so to the length. I made most of it last night, tonight I'll finish the buttons and button holes.

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