Monday, February 25, 2013

Cross stitch.

Calling it finished while still finding more things to do. I had to repair a bicycle spoke.

This is a close up to show you how many shades of cream there are. And that it's all done on cream linen. It looks really beautiful.

This is how I stored it: rolled up in a piece of cotton quilt batting. Keeping it clean was really important, and it's picked up some brown spot stains somehow anyway.

I don't see myself ever doing a big cross stitch like this again. Cross stitch is nice if you have good light, room to spread out, concentration to read a pattern all the time. None of those things apply to me anymore. I live in a small dark unit, and craft gets done at night or when I take it somewhere like church. I think crochet is a better craft for me know because it is small and portable. Granny squares can be done almost without looking at your work, and take up a pencil-case worth of space.

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