Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jane Eyre.

It's not disappointing. I personally prefer Austen to the Brontes, I find all the seriousness and passion a bit unrelenting and not exactly enjoyable. Jane Eyre is a very good book though, and it was a fine adaptation. Everything was just about as it should be, perfectly bleak and romantic. I always love Dario Marianelli's music.

While I'm reviewing things, the X Factor is terrible. Awful. There is very little singing ability and people who can't sing are either humiliated by the judges (which is sad to see) or put through (if they are cute enough: see the 10-yr-old boy who looks like a baby Mick Jaggar). Of course there is a sort of entertainment in people-watching; the variety of humility, ego, ambition, and delusion. What is mainly surprising is the number of 14-year-olds who look and sound like they are 18 or 20. And there has never been a TV show with so much internal self-promotion for so little content. You get a performance, than a preview of the next performance after the break, then a huge ad break mainly for Wild Boys, then another preview, then a recap of the previous performance, then some quick overviews of people who got in or missed out, then the drama of the next performance, then finally the next performance, repeat.

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