Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Goulburn, the wall.

Well I've hit the wall for 2014, and had to skip church on Sunday night, take Tuesday afternoon off to sleep, and skip bible study. I've done a lot of crying too. And my neck locked up on Thursday morning and has been gradually unwinding. That happens maybe once a year and takes a week. And my fridge was broken, new one delivered on Friday. So all in all it hasn't been much fun. Although I'm thankful for many good things. C came over and helped clip Percy's wings, R came over for Jillian, I had Friday off and spent the weekend with Mum and some family in Goulburn. Also thankful for the prayers and support of friends.

Here are sundry photos. First, video of my 2nd cello lesson.

A doorstep gift from a friend at church.

The shed in Goulburn that I emptied and demolished with mum.

Visiting grandparents in nursing home for happy hour.

Finally giving in to a lifetime of temptation and drawing Switch Pig.

A giant moth at work today, with my keys for scale.


bec said...

5000 tablets of Panadol! That would help with the neck.

Jessica said...

They must be big tablets too. You can get a 1000 pack in a jar like peanut butter size. That's a full-size paint tin.