Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Reality check.

Meanwhile, in the present day, the holiday is far behind me. For the sake of authenticity in social media, my life is currently nothing like those pretty holiday photos. It is this desk, and Sydney buses, and freddo frogs, and sleep.


Fuzzi_Sparkler said...

ooh freddo frogs is pretty cool!
One of the advantages of winter is you get to see the winter sunset if you bolt out of work quick enough. I noticed today that the bare branches of the trees next to kfc, were filled with birds. Behind the tree was a painted peach wall, the silhouette of this plus other birds then perched on the electricity wires against beautiful pink hues of clouds which eventually if you looked high enough contrasted starkly against a deep blue! Really quite lovely. Maybe you can see something exciting on your trip home, or at least the glowy lights of trails of car. Of course this was much nicer as I trundled from the client with my head in the sky ( not on the path) walking back to work rather than the discomfort of being squishy on a bus and wondering where my leg is and if its gone to sleep, or what happened to my bag I put down.

I like sleep.

Jessica said...

I did leave a little early yesterday and the clouds were really pink. I appreciated that!