Thursday, January 5, 2012

Random Review: Dream 05/01/12

Last night I dreamed I was getting married. I don't read anything exciting into that, I've never enjoyed getting married dreams, the few I've had have been full of confusion and fear. This one was set in the time between waking up and going to the church. Not sure who the groom was, never got to the church, but I remember doing the "morning before wedding thing" and I had no bridesmaids, and I was flaking out, I got my hair done but it looked weird on one side and nice on the other, I had lunch with my family, then I just ran around randomly for a while and there were a lot of guests I didn't know, until it was 10.30am which was the time to get married (to someone?), and I went to put my dress on and I couldn't find it, but I had tried it on just before lunch. Then I woke up. It's probably my fear of being disorganised and unhappy when I have to organise something that should be fun.

And on the marriage subject, here is something I learnt today: the honeymoon period, the first year or so, is often not a blissful time, in fact "honeymoon" is the opposite of what it is. That was an insight, cos I thought it was all happy love hormones.,8599,1861028,00.html

So there you go, that's the weird heavy stuff I've been thinking about today.

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