Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cat cross stitch

When I was home for Christmas I needed to raid the cross stitch cottons. I found this cat pattern, and it seemed like something a colleague of mine would like, and it was very quick to do. I did it when the cricket was on, and it was done in 3 days. I bought it a cheap smart frame and gave it away.

My tip for doing cross stitch is to roll it up. If you fold it in between doing it you get dirty lines where it's folded. I don't like embroidery frames much because I think they are too rough and pully. But if you roll it up, and unroll it to the bit you are doing, you are mainly holding the back of the cloth so it is cleaner, and it's much easier to iron out afterwards.


Ali said...

Hee hee. Well, that is technically CRAFT, so if it is for the colleague I think it is, I would like to see the response :).

Jessica said...

I was a little trepidatious! But she was kindly appreciative. She explained that she doesn't object to crafted things, only to participating in crafting. I suppose she is free to feel so, it's only like people who don't like cooking but enjoy food.