Monday, January 9, 2012

Feeling better.

The horror of mass appliance death while flatmate away, solo financial and decision responsibility, is starting to wear off, leaving me tired and pathetic, although I did Jillian before work so it could be a combination. And have remembered that I've been blessed to have these things in the first place, esp free and second hand. Putting big girl pants on and coping.

My attempt at ringing a repair person was a fail this morning. No internet skills at home due to laptop death, so had to come to work to find a phone number. Ring up, and they need to know the brand to send the appropriate person. I do not know the brand of my fridge, or of 90% of boring useful things in the house. Also, a bad sign, the first one I called is booked up til Thurs. So I guess at this point, there's no hurry. The fortunately small amount of food is already having to go in the bin, which is going to break my heart, and nothing worse can happen. And I still have a freezer, which would be a worse disaster if it died. It doesn't seem to be dead.

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