Monday, July 18, 2011

Endorphins LOL.

I've been tired and mopey, as always happens in winter. I'm eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well, but I've had a flat battery. Now I'm trying to go out in the sun at least once briefly every day. Even if you don't soak up much Vitamin D being all covered in winter clothes, apparently sunlight shining in your eyes helps sync your body, or something. Along with taking a multivitamin for a week, I'm feeling a lot more normal now.

And I've had a lightbulb moment: laughing is good. One night I was watching QI and laughed out loud, and I realised it had been SO LONG since I had a proper laugh. And then I heard all these things about how laughing is good for your health and all that. Duh, me. So I am going to prioritise things that make me laugh. I might even lower my brow and watch Funniest Home Videos.

Graham Norton did it the other night with this segment: perfectly timed photos. Nothing like an awkward dog… ... and tonight is Miranda, which is first on my list of dumb shows that make me cackle. People who like Miranda are sort of a secret society, it's such an over-looked show. Like the IT crowd.

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