Monday, November 5, 2012

I was a hero.

On Saturday morning I was planning to scoot over to a cafe past Rosebery for brunch but the ground was wet. So I was walking instead, and on the footpath I saw a lorikeet, sitting on the side of the path. Since it didn't fly away I thought it might be either an escaped pet or a baby. So I picked it up, and it flapped and bit me but didn't manage to fly away, I don't think it had enough proper wing feathers. As I kept walking I looked back and saw a cat come sniffing around, so I must have come along at the right moment. I put it under my cardigan to keep it quiet and walked to the vet in Kingsford which was on my way. I really hoped the vet was open because there was nothing else I could do, I'd have to put the poor thing back on the ground. Fortunately they had just opened and took the parrot, to hand on to a wildlife carer. I went on my way to brunch, feeling heroic but also parroty and gross.

Brunch was at Sonoma, off Gardeners Road behind Bourke Street Bakery. It is a sourdough bakery, and although I don't prefer sourdough myself because it is chewy and undignified to eat, the food is good and the cafe is large, and although busy and trendy you have enough personal space and the service is very good. The turkish eggs were delightful. As was the mixed juice of the day.

Then we went and got our nails done. A girly thing to do. I have decided that I will not let anyone cut my cuticles again, though. What pointless barbarism. But still, my nails are silvery and pretty. Turns out I play the piano wrong, though, because I smashed the colour off the tips of my right fingernails at church last night. Shouldn't have been playing on fingernails at all.

I also went out for a friend's 30th. It was at a pub in Surry Hills. When I left at 11pm there was a queue at the door, which is a first for me I think, being at a place that had a queue to get in when people should be going to bed. It was a nice place with good food and lots of fancy people, but too loud for me.

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