Monday, October 8, 2012

FINISH! of the tallboy makeover project.

So this was the start of the project, back in June, when I was discontented with my yellowing old pine chest of drawers and thought it would be an easy and cheap thing to do to just sand and revarnish it.

It took a couple of weekends to sand it, using a borrowed power sander, and eventually I just focused on the drawers, which are the front, and left the sides and top a bit tinted still. I didn't sand the handles because I would just buy new ones and paint them to match.

I did the varnishing on the long weekend, and it was pretty easy compared to sanding. 3 coats over 3 days. A shower curtain on the lounge room floor (conveniently we needed to replace it that weekend) solved my problem of where to do it.

Cost of the project at this point, approx $75. The varnish was $55, plus the brush and the sandpaper. I have at least a 3rd of a tin of varnish left over so I am wondering about going over some other furniture with it, but I'm not sure yet. I need a rest.

This is the layering of the coats. It's hard to get the colour true with my camera but you get the idea.

And then, the amazing and fun part. While on holidays I found a shop in Bellingen selling loads of second hand knobs. They were so pretty, and since I was planning on replacing the drawer handles anyway, I bought up 10 blue knobs. $45 for 10 handles, taking cost of project to about $120. I just love it when I buy something unique, which I also need, and which will remind me of good times and nice places.

How amazing does it look!

The finished thing!

I am extremely proud of myself. Especially proud that I finished it, even if it took four months.


/Karen/ said...

Looks awesome, Jess!

Lucy C said...

Nice work. Love the handles.

Jessica said...
