Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Review: Doctor Who Christmas Special.

It was nothing special. There was no plot really, just a flimsy situation that barely supported the weight of all the sentimentality. In that sense, there was something for everybody: environmentalists had a forest of trees with souls in danger because they were a rich energy source, book people had the scenes and lines from Narnia ("what do they teach them in schools these days"), everyone had the strength of love and home and family and mothers, there was also the usual dollop of British patriotism (cliche WW2 family), and it was iced with "aren't humans great". Disappointing. Esp the line "Humany wumany". Really cheap, I thought. There were some other cuter lines though, and Matt Smith delivers them well.

The previous specials were more special, the Christmas Carol one at least made use of time travel to save the day, and there were cute flying fish and a love story and a growing up story and a bad father figure and so on.

But excitement! ABC are starting from season 1 and playing Doctor Who on weeknights, in order! Hurrah! My entire life is going to revolve around this. 

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