Friday, December 9, 2011

Other crafts I finished and forgot to blog.

I edged my crochet rug. This was a nice project for 2011. I reused a lot of wool from a scarf I never wore, and bought $50 worth of supplementary wool (which I still have leftover—the curse of craft is useable leftovers) and learnt crochet from my Grandma and Neva next door. It is finished, and it is quite useful. It lives on the back of my armchair, as granny rugs should.

I made a pettiskirt. Some skirts and dresses need a lining, because the fabric is too thin or whatever. I used a simple straight skirt for a cutting guide, so it's basically 2 slightly tapered squares sewn together at the sides. I left one side unsewn a little bit at the top and hemmed it and put a plastic snap button on, which I found in my sewing box. Must have saved it from something. Hemmed the waist and hemmed the skirt with some lace, just because it's traditional and I had lace in the sewing box for some reason. Quite a good 2 hours work!


Ali said...

Hey, I looked at this the other day and meant to come back and comment, but yes, you definitely should have shown us this earlier. Go the crochet! Well done.

Jessica said...

Thanks! You're a crochestpiration!