I saw the coolest buskers ever yesterday when I was wandering around the city after church hunting for my dream teapot. They are buskpacking around the world, I guess, cos they're from the US, and their kit is pretty small. They've been around Sydney for a little while. Guitar, violin (bowed and plucked) and a drum kit made of a bucket, a small drum, a cymbal flat on the ground and some sort of pot that sounded like a snare. At one point the cymbal flipped inside-out in the middle of a song so the guy picked it up, thumped it on his knee to pop it back and kept going. They must be like gap-year age, they were all barefoot and messy-haired and wild in a Peter Pan sort of way, and they was so much fun to see, I could have stood there for an hour just watching them smash away. I heard them do Little Lion Man and something else cool I forget, some originals which are catchy, and I gave them money, cos they definitely deserved to eat.
Watch on youtube, but the drummer is at the wrong angle so you can't really see what he's doing.
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