Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pea harvest, a day to Sydney.

And now normal programming resumes.

I went up to Singleton to visit The Blonde Sister, as she is known amongst people who have met Heather and I. It was very lovely, she took me to a park near her house and I didn’t take my phone to get a photo but there is a piece of play equipment for adults that needs 2 people, one to stand on one end and another to hang off the other end by their hands and run around, and so it’s a flying fox that spins in a circle and if you are on the standing end you just hang on while you spin and go up and down but if you’re on the end when you dangle by your arms you have to run half of it to keep it moving and then hang on while you get lifted off the ground and spun around the high half.

We ate home made pizza and watched the kids movie Spiderwick. Went to her church the next morning which was very good, small church with solid preaching and music, although it was cold in the hall and my feet froze. I didn’t stay around after that because I had to go back and swap my car for a work car and go to my church for music practice (again) for mens convention.

The MC is next Saturday which is good because I’ll be glad when all these practices are over. Really there is one person who needs all the practice, everybody else is pretty seasoned. But what can you do. It’s a test of my patience. Also, its the 3rd conference for the month, I’m pretty over them. I used to be curious about men's conventions because what do they do (same stuff as women but more golf) and are there any potential husbands there (no, there is no such thing as husbands) and come to think of it I cooked at a men's weekend away a few years ago so the novelty has definitely worn off. July is a bit of a month off, and then August has more conferences: Engage and night church weekend away and I think TWIST is on which I’d like to go to because Vaughn Roberts is there. I’m just really worn out now though. I was smart to not do Sunday of MC.

One little joy from the weekend is that I harvested my first snow peas! And they tasted a lot better than shop ones. So sweet!

I had half a batch of dough from the Tamworth weekend so I made Cinnamon Scrolls to share with Blonde Sister and Housemate.

Monday was an event I have been avoiding thinking about all week. I had to go to Sydney and back for the day, with a colleague, for some web content management training. The training was great, I particularly loved the office space. But it was a really early start to get there by 9. FUN SPONTANEOUS COMMUTING WITH ELSIE! The drive home was even worse with rain, a car accident at Mt White, and peak hour. 

The haul!

My aims this week are, lock in my July holiday (accommodation and leave request) and do the health insurance thing, cos I’m now 31, income has changed since I last investigated, blah blah blah. Also buy food. I’ve let that go for a while. I’m on to eating Maddie’s bread now.

1 comment:

bec said...

You are totally set for rose body oil now! (as am I!)

Also I laughed at "(no, there is no such thing as husbands)" :)