Monday, September 15, 2014

Big move recap.

Settlement settled at 2.30 on Friday, after an anxious Thursday making a way for all the money to transfer. I left work at 3pm and drove to a conveyencer at greenhills to collect the house keys praying that they would give them to me and everything had happened, and it all worked! So I went to my new home and unlocked the door. Mum came and then dad came and we all had a look.This is my SOLD portrait and my backyard (taken on Thursday afternoon at the last minute inspection).

I planned to celebrate by having some local friends over for an empty house party. B, S, and JK came and we had fizzy white wine and gourmet pizza and it was just delightful. I was so happy to have made it through the house buying process and to be doing something social and fun and messy in my own house. JK slept over with me at parents.

On Saturday I woke up early and cooked Anzac biscuits. JK and I each packed a car full of stuff and unpacked it in new house, then walked to a cafe for a really nice breakfast. Then she headed off and I went home to get ready for my next helper, T. A couple of boys to help put my furniture things in a big car and trailer took no time. Then we had a couple hours break for lunch, then did another couple of loads.

Then I washed my hair and went to JKs house for dinner with lots of people from her church. I left at 9.15 pretty wiped out but it was a great evening and I was happy with how the moving day went. Here is JK cheesecake.

On Sunday I was really tiiiiired. My aim for the day was to get house functionable, with food, TV and a bed, but not do anything else and make myself tireder. So I gathered up all my bedding, toiletries, food from the kitchen, and made a shopping list. Mum and I went to Coles, and bought an adaptor thing for the TV, and went to my place to sort it out so I could sleep there, made the bed and put food away and stuff.

I went to JKs for lunch of leftovers, and I was feeling a lot less tired then. I had the edge of a headache but didn't feel completely wilted anymore. We went to the stitches and craft show, which JK loved, she has decided to do some crafts.

I bought some card stuff, so we will hopefully have a card making day soon, that would be an excellent outcome. Then we went home for some leftover cheesecake. It was nice to hang out in her home and discuss her plans to do some gardening and buy a BBQ. I don't think that was something we did in Sydney, we didn't go to each others homes much, we did things together like eat out or swim. We picked some flowers and I went home to my home! I had an hour before church so not much time to rest.

I went to parents after dinner to watch doctor who and it was a really good episode. Excitingly I found some quilling tools for JK and the remote to program my TV. My new home trinity is bed, fridge and TV. The remote was the final piece of the puzzle. I watched the Bletchley Circle while I typed this blog post, and texted thanks to people who helped me and ate some chocolate. Also, had quite a nice shower in my bathroom. Here are some photos of my bathroom where I can keep my jurliques and BBs, my street, my front door and garage door, and the all important programming of the TV.

I am really happy with this house. I love the location. It is exactly where I wanted to live to access work easily and it's very fast to get to church, parents, shops. I can walk to things and there are footpaths so I can scoot. The house is very new and very clean, the nicest place I have ever lived. I don't have much stuff to fill it, because I reckon it is 3 times the size of my last home and I shared that (but I'm basically ignoring 1/3 of the space for now). I've met one of my neighbours already, which is so great, it's nice to live in a place where people want to say hello. It's a positive start all round. I'm going to set the song for my morning alarm to Sara Groves He's Always Been Faithful. Recently my life song has been When I have no friends by Jordan Ruiz, it's not as depressing as it sounds, it's just got good simple words about the reality of different times of life. Free on Noisetrade btw.

1 comment:

bec said...

So very marvellous! I am so excited for you and can't wait to come up and visit :)