Thursday, January 2, 2014


Me and 3 friends camped on Cockatoo Island. It's tiring, but the island is quite interesting, you can just walk anywhere, through industrial bits and tunnels and stuff. We put up a tent (using a rock as a hammer like Bear Grylls would do) and then mainly just lay around eating, cross stitching, dozing, waiting for the fireworks.

photo by bec

Did take excursions to variously explore or swim or have a picnic, but mainly resting. Tents are exhausting. There was a big firework barge in front of the island and then the bridge fireworks were small off in the background, but it actually was a nice effect having close and far fireworks, very 3D.

photo by bec

The seagulls though. They don't sleep. As Bec said on twitter, "All day and night, the hellions screech."

We packed up pretty efficiently, caught a ferry back to CQ, then JK and I had only a 2 min wait for our bus! And I say OUR bus because we only shared it with the driver and 1 passenger. I bought a steak at Coles on my way home because I'm giving blood, and it was a fancy one for 40% off. I didn't actually catch up on sleep during the day, I washed my doona, watched Sherlock and Hart of Dixie, then went swimming with flatmate and her friend. We watched Pitch Perfect then I went to bed early and forgot that Jonathan Creek was on.

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