Monday, August 29, 2011

Piper takeaway.

I was pleasantly surprised with John Piper. I've never been able to listen to a podcast of his, because I can't listen to his preaching style. Too passionate? Like, a bit of passion is nice for emphasis, but constant passion is numbing. Maybe he had advice on preaching to Australians, cos he was relatively low key on the weekend.

He was real, not showy. I appreciated the way he he deliberately tried to argue his paradigm. He built the picture over 3 talks. Cos I've noticed those big preachers have their big things they mostly preach through the lens of, and I get all "this thing is cool and strategic!" for a while then it wears off. I think his framework is more meta than other people's.

The talks will be available for download from kcc website. I want to listen to them again because I'm still evaluating the big paradigm. What does my satisfaction in God mean? Is my joy really a significant part of glorifying God? I mean, I'm all for my own joy and satisfaction, but I'm still not sure if it's such a factor in God's plan. I've generally thought that we're supposed to persevere in obedience and dependance in this world and get the joy and satisfaction kicks in the next, when we're not stuck in sin-prone flesh and will spend eternity praising God. I thought, though, that his theology of joy was really good. So yeah, need more time to think about the framework, although I'm trying to implement some stuff because it's good. This morning, when I was doing my Jillian, I thought "how can I do Jillian for God's glory?" because working out is just as mundane as eating and drinking. So I thanked God for my health and energy. A bit more mindfulness in that area can't hurt.

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