Monday, February 7, 2011


Since the $2 a day grocery challenge I have stuck to eating more veggies and less meat. I like meat, but I don't particularly enjoy cooking it, and I'm happy to eat it when I'm out and not bother with it as much at home in my own food. I mostly cook with mince, actually. Mince is easy and yummy, but not the most gourmet foods, I can let go of it. And the more veggies the better.

I think chickpeas are just fantastic. They are so plain, but so versatile. I've been putting them in stews for a few years, and I recently tried to make hommus when I got JKs old food processor. On the weekend having dinner with some friends I discovered the chickpea in salad. Oh so good! with fetta, baby spinach, and red onion and some other stuff. I could eat it every day! I had no idea there was so much potential in chickpea salad. Analise tins are only 75cents each at Coles this week, and when their shelves aren't empty I'm going to stock up. Dry ones are cheap but never as good, so cheap tins are like gold, or anti-gold, because they are cheap.

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