Friday, February 28, 2014


Fortuitously, I have already spent several months decluttering so I'm in the right state of mind for packing! It's a bit harder to declutter while packing because you don't have time to ponder, you have to put it in the box or not, so sometimes I pack it in the box and ponder it later. But on the other hand, it really forces you to completely empty everything out, not just glance at into a drawer and say "yes, that all looks useful". Really empty it out and it turns out it's 30% crap. Another thing is that my flatmate is staying on and replacing me in the unit so I can leave quite a lot of things she will use. Bookshelves. Cleaning products. Things in kitchen drawers.

Mum dropped by on the way back to Maitland a while ago and we filled the station wagon with a load of things, like winter stuff, keyboard, blanket box, books, coffee table. I've been gradually packing boxes every now and then, so there is another pile ready to go up this weekend, which I'll do myself.

Furniture I'm taking is: blanket box, coffee table, lamp (all done), lounge chairs x3, washing machine, art cupboard, chest of drawers.

Furniture I'm leaving: 4 bookcases, the kitchen table and chairs, probably the bed, TV etc, fridge.

Furniture I've got rid of: freezer, small chest.

I think that's a pretty good effort for downsizing. My rule is, anything I've bought and it's properly useful, I'm keeping. If it was free or basically cheap, I'm leaving it behind—easy come easy go.

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