Friday, March 4, 2011

Bad dream.

Don't get them much, but last night was a corker. I got out of bed and wondered why I was so tired. This is probably why:

There is some stuff I forget, and then I'm in a hospital bed at night and a nurse fiddles around under the blanket and cuts a big bit of flesh out of my left knee. I think she's cutting bits off me to eat. I spend the rest of the dream staggering around the hospital, and it's not night anymore, trying to hide among a group of old people who are having a story time in a nice book room, etc etc, and whenever the psycho nurse finds me I fight her with whatever I can find, trying to explain to all the other patients that she's not a nurse, she ate my knee and wants to eat the rest of me too. One of the old people suggests I leave the hospital with him and stay in a cottage in the country where he plays golf, I do leave with him even though I am suspicious about whose side he is on and I don't like golf, but at least I have a relaxing drive in the country. Then I am back at the hospital and there are people being put in a big black van which is on a really high balcony, and the psycho nurse falls off the balcony like in an action movie, and so does someone else who was a nice person.

Then I woke up and forgot. But I remembered when I was walking to work.

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