One big way my life has changed in the move is that I'm starting to make life-stage changes. I've always said that singleness doesn't have the milestones that married life has. Going from flat sharing to owning your own home is the big one, really. A few months ago I anticipated a future of just more flatting with flatmates, probably forever lol. I was steadily saving for a place to buy but had no clear way to buy anything: Sydney out of my price range except for the far west and that wasn't an exciting option. Anyway, I remember
a time Elsie and I were with Felix for some reason and queueing for free icecream, and it sank in then when I said we were better off saving even if it seems hopeless, because we don't know what will change. Houses drop in price, or you leave Sydney, or you get married and pool your savings, and then you are in a position to buy. How prophetic, because in Gods timing suddenly I'm in an affordable housing market planning to buy a house eventually with the results of my frugal flatting years! If I'd waited till houses were cheaper or I was earning more, ie waited til it LOOKED realistic, I'd be starting from scratch now. It's probably wrong to quote a bible vs to drive it home, but it's like hope in things unseen. We plug away with no end in sight until suddenly we will see the end and it will be worth it. Delayed gratification.
It's easier to be frugal when young, too. Friends still studying so you're not comparing your standard of living to yuppies. Haven't discovered favourite expensive shops yet. Got the energy to walk and PT. No gourmet cooking or eating requirements. No shame! Cos actually I like how we always got leftovers as takeaway and reported the 99 cent bananas with excitement. Now I want to transition into minimalism as a way to be frugal and unworldly.
Life stage change. Flatting to home ownership, I hope.
Here are some pretty lunchtime pics again. Speaking of frugal, I bring bread to work and buy a box of salad to make a sandwich for two days.
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