Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Review: Spanish Fly.

I am so into reviewing things right now.

Spanish Fly is a cool tapas restaurant at The Spot, Randwick. Of course, I have never been there. Not just because it's cool, but also because I have my own default places and always order the same thing.

5.30 is when we decided to eat, and we were gone by 7 so well before the cool crowd get there. In fact there was a family with little kids eating at the same time as us. The service was very good, very very good. I must be used to the service in Kingsford, where speed is the main criteria. Slow friendly service made a very nice change! The food was nice but not strong tasting. I really liked the zucchini flowers. They were half flower half tiny zucchini and the flower was stuffed with ricotta and maybe pumpkin and the whole thing was in that tempura batter and sitting in some tasty sauce. It was a meal that would go better with wine, I think. They do dessert, and FYI you can probably share them, they are large… but tasty. Citrus tart and chocolate pudding are both worth a go.

That was my second tapas experience, the first was in Newtown with one of those online deals, I enjoyed that food more because it was tastier, and it came with wine as part of the deal, and I got almost a little bit drunkish in the name of value and not wasting any of the wine.


apple said...

LOL... that night was a night to remember ;)

Jessica said...

Last Halloween in fact, a year ago!

Sandra said...

Thanks for sharing information. This article useful me.I am always looking out for spanish fly