Monday, August 4, 2014

Another offer, more markets, parrot!

I decided on my next house to try and buy. I looked at one a month ago, and thought, oh well hmmmm, I'd prefer two large bedrooms to three small ones, it's a bit on the pricey end at 349, and quite a few old people were looking at it so I thought they'd beat me to it. A month later, it was still there so I went back with dad and AM who was visiting me from Sydney, the price was down a little to 345, so I offered 335 right there at the inspection, the nice agent lady said she'd get back to me via text after telling the vendor.

So I went to the olive tree market with AM, and get a text from agent saying the vendor would consider 340 if I could offer that, which I said I'd think about. Pretty much expected to go up to that. So 2 hours later I replied yes 340. In the evening, agent texts sorry, the vendor has decided not to go below 345, would I raise my offer? I said no, it was not reasonable for the vendor to say he'd consider meeting me half way and then not, it's his right to wait for an offer he's happy with, but I'm not going higher than my limit. The agent was understanding cos she agreed with me and said she'd try to convince him. Agents have to represent sellers, not buyers, but they know how it works and what the market is like and I think she thought she'd made a deal, getting us to meet halfway, only to be thwarted by the guy she's working for. In Sydney, the asking price is the minimum, but up here, it can be more like optimism, and a place to negotiate from. If you don't want to negotiate, after your property has been for sale for several months, basically--you don't want to sell your house. Maybe he thought I was desperate, but that's his mistake. That's fine. I'm not disappointed at all. I feel like I played it right and didn't lose, just walked away and left my offer on the table. It might get accepted after all, who knows. If it does, it will add to the busyness of the month, but I might be able to get all my furniture moving out of the way in one go. If not, I can live with my parents INDEFINITELY!!!!!!!!

The exciting news from last week is that I've been given a parrot, little Milos. Makes me happy to anticipate being a parrot lady. I'll bring him up from Sydney when we do a furniture collection this month.

Also, work wise, I've got books for sale in iBooks Store now. Yay! I want to start pumping them out a bit faster now.

I'm feeling particularly aware of how blessed I am by friendship. I have quite a few amazing friends. People who come up to visit me for a weekend, and people who I can stay with in Sydney, and people I can swap prayer points with. I know does not always going to feel like this, but I lack nothing in terms of feeling loved right now. Singleness is no issue at all... There are good times and dry times, just like marriage is for better and worse. Friends are a big part of those good times. I do still stand by my theory that distance is the end of most friendships in any practical sense. Without proximity, I have lost a lot of friends when I left Sydney, and I now have proximity to a different group of people. With the inner circle, though, that doesn't depend so completely on proximity. I guess some of those ties will loosen eventually. Who knows.

Thinking of getting these glasses. Or maybe some standard black ray bans.

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